ben snowdon

A Christmas Message from our CEO, Ben Snowdon

"Make sure that you take time to stop and smell the roses".

As we are about to close The CFA Offices until the 2nd January 2025, I am reminded of the words of my late Uncle Andrew who, having been diagnosed with cancer, was very reflective of life and the things that were really, truly important in the grand scheme of things. He therefore constantly told all of those who loved him and who he loved to "Make sure that you take time to stop and smell the roses."

Grassroots football, other than some of our National League Clubs, has now pretty much shut down for Christmas, which gives us all the perfect and unique opportunity to reflect upon where we are with the game in Cumberland, and what we have all collectively achieved.

A recent report calculated that the social return on investment for a range of health and social measures, and how football can act as a vehicle through which societal challenges can be acknowledged, addressed and improved, suggests that regular participation within grassroots football has for the County is worth the following:

* Economic Value contributed to the local economy of over £74 million

* Health Value to NHS of savings of £19 million

* Social Value (crime, education, etc.) of £44 million

Meaning that it is estimated that the overall Social return on Investment that Football has in Cumberland is a staggering £101,291,601.

This figure is possible because of the passion, hard work, dedication and commitment of players, officials and volunteers within the game.

Whilst this can help to showcase the financial value of local football, it clearly doesn't tell the whole story or demonstrate the full power of the grassroots game.

Safe to say that you as a member of the grassroots community and more specifically what you do and the way that you do it, has an impact, and in most cases this adds value, but at other times comes, particularly when it comes to behaviour on and off the field, this comes at a significant cost.

So, during the next week or so, as the grassroots game is in a winter break, please take the time to STOP, relax and enjoy yourselves with friends and family, reach out to those who may need our support over the festive period, and remember fondly those who are sadly no longer with us, as I will do of my Uncle.

However, whilst doing this, don't forget to also allow yourself a short period of time to reflect on what your contribution towards the grassroots game has been, over the last 12 months, and ultimately remember how good those roses smell.

On behalf of all involved with Cumberland FA we wish you a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to working together in 2025 to continue to make a difference to the game we love.

Ben Snowdon
CEO Cumberland FA

Lots of people struggle over the festive period and if you are feeling this way then please know that you are not alone. There are lots of people who will listen to you and will try to help, understand and support you.  Some useful contacts are:

Young People


Kooth offers free, confidential and anonymous online support and counselling for 11-23 year olds. Their team will be available to provide mental wellbeing support over the festive period.


Beat provide support to help young people who may be struggling with an eating problem or an eating disorder. Call 0808 801 0677 (for help in England) (9am-midnight during the week and 4pm-midnight on weekends and bank holidays). Email:

Childline provides a confidential telephone counselling service for any child with a problem. Call: 0800 1111 anytime or online chat with a counsellor.


Hub of Hope

The Hub of Hope is a mental health support database. It is provided by national mental health charity, Chasing the Stigma, and brings local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support and services together in one place.


Papyrus provide confidential support and advice to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide, and anyone worried about a young person. Call: 0800 068 3131 or text: 07860 039967 (9am-midnight, 365 days a year).

24/7 365 days a year – they’ll help you and listen to how you’re feeling. Call: 116 123 or email: jo@samaritans.orgYou can also CLICK HERE